Enlightenment campaign on cervical cancer (ECCC)


What is ECCC?

Enlightenment campaign on cervical cancer (ECCC) is the last arm of Sali Hoe Foundation and it was Officially launched in 2012.  Our activities so far have been outreaches in different states via schools, seminars, radio, and television publicity. In 2012 we created Schools and community education programs, to raise awareness in Nigeria about the preventive measures of cervical cancer, HPV, and other related cancers.
With passionate and dedicated volunteer presenters, the Community enlightenment program is a 20-30 minutes presentation about cervical cancer, HPV, and the steps you can take to prevent it. Enlightenment program for secondary Schools is also a free educational presentation for Nigerian high schools. Education aims to provide students with information about:

*Cervical cancer and other HPV-related cancers (in both women and men).

*How the HPV vaccine works and why it’s important.

*How to prevent cervical cancer.

*How they can be involved in the fight to eliminate cervical cancer both in Nigeria and other developing countries.

Media publicity:

The month of January has been set aside by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to enlighten women on the dangers of cervical cancer. In line with WHO, we create media enlightenment every January to commemorate cervical cancer awareness month, basically,  Sali Hoe Foundation’s idea is reaching, enlightening and rescuing more women.

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