Pap test or Pap smear is a procedure used to collect cells from the cervix for cervical cytology testing. There are 2 main ways to prepare samples so that they can be examined under a microscope in the laboratory.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Viki Benard, PhD; Donald Blackman, PhD; Christie Eheman, PhD, et al. National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Programme (NBCCEDP) 1991-2002 National Report. ^ Lowy DR, Schiller JT (2006). “Prophylactic human papilloma vaccines” J.Clin. invest. 116 (5): 116 -73. doi: 10.1172/JC128607PMID16670757. ^ a b Human papilloma virus vaccine (HPV) […]
In line with WHO, we create media enlightenment every January to commemorate cervical cancer awareness month, basically, Sali Hoe Foundation idea is reaching, enlightening and rescuing more women.
They are prophylactic vaccines, meaning that it is designed to prevent the initial establishment of HPV infections. For maximum efficacy it is recommended that girls receive the vaccine prior to becoming sexually active. HPV vaccines might not block infection with all of the HPV types that causes cervical cancer; the vaccine should not be considered a substitute for routine screening.
we intend to reach out to employees who work full time jobs, and creating a specific time frame suitable for the employees to have their cervix screening without affecting the services they provide for their organisations.
An interaction with young girls reveals most girls of about 16 years or below in our society have indulged in sexual intercourse, some of them had their first sexual encounter due to peer pressure or sexual abuse and majority of these young girls are not aware of other dangers associated with premarital sex.
Most of the women are not literates, we intend to educate market women via illustrative diagrams or 3D photos to enable them understand the importance of cervical cancer prevention, making an informed choice and taking up the free screening offer.
In our quest to have a society that is completely free of cervical cancer, we discovered in the last decade, there have been successful attempts to develop computer image analysis systems for cervical cancer screening. The automated screening machine is an innovative system that scans test slides most likely to contain abnormalities that could develop into cervical cancer. The machine greatly enhances the accuracy of screening.
With passionate and dedicated volunteer presenters, the Community enlightenment program is a 20-30 minutes presentation about cervical cancer, HPV, and the steps you can take to prevent it. Enlightenment program for secondary Schools is also a free educational presentation for Nigerian high schools. Education aims to provide students with information about:
The following are the meaning of health and medical terms. Abdomen: The belly, that part of the body that contains all of the structures between the chest and the pelvis. The abdomen is separated anatomically from the chest by the diaphragm, the powerful muscle spanning the body cavity below the lungs. Abnormal: Not normal. Deviating […]