
In Sali Hoe Cervical Cancer Screening and Vaccination we are implementing ways to combat the disease and one of the ways to prevent cervix cancer is to have regular testing (screening) which will find pre-cancers (insitu) before they turn into invasive cancer (metastasis). If pre-cancer is found and treated, it can help stop cervical cancer and most invasive cervical cancers are found in women who have not had regular tests. (Screening).

In our quest to have a society that is completely free of cervical cancer, we discovered in the last decade, there have been successful attempts to develop computer image analysis systems for cervical cancer screening. The automated screening machine is an innovative system that scans test slides most likely to contain abnormalities that could develop into cervical cancer. The machine greatly enhances the accuracy of screening.

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1.  Encourage routine screening for women, 3 years after becoming sexually active.

2. Emphasize the importance of routine screening for early detection of cervical cancer (insitu stage). We will also recommend routine screening should be done yearly for every sexually active woman.

3. Highlights on early detection of cervical cancer can increase survival rates.

4. Provide the latest information on cervical cancer screening, diagnosis, medical treatment and follow-up care.

5. Provide rural women with information about free cervical cancer screening programs.

To  make your cervix screening (testing) as accurate as possible:

*Try not to schedule an appointment during your menstrual flow.

*Do not douche for 48 hours before the test.

*Do not have sexual intercourse for 48 hours before the test.

*Do not use tampons, birth control foams, jellies, or other vaginal creams or vaginal medicines for 48hours before the test.

(Questionnaire of Appraisal on the awareness of cervical cancer; to estimate the percentage of women that are ignorant of cervical cancer and education needs. Research conducted by Sali Hoe Foundation in the year 2010.)

Cervical Cancer is a Menace in Nigeria and a large number of women are ignorant of the disease, due to ignorance most cervical cancer cases are presented very late of which the cost to treat the disease at late presentation is very exuberant and most Nigerian women can’t afford it thereby leading to untimely death. “EARLY DETECTION OF CERVICAL CANCER SAVE LIVES”.

As a Medical practitioner seeing women loosing their fight to advanced cervical cancer is painful, it is an entirely preventable disease,  with regular screening  and appropriate measures we can put an end to this dreaded disease.

I recently met a young woman of 35 years old, her name is Hadiza Bala who happens to be one of the numerous women with cervical cancer in Nigeria  and she is from Kebbi State, she is presently dying of cervical cancer, she was bleeding profusely from her genitals which is one of the late symptoms of advanced stage cervical cancer, she couldn’t pay for her radiotherapy treatment which will cost about N600,000. With the little assistance i could offer, i was able to manage her condition in a small clinic where I render volunteer services to people who couldn’t afford elaborate medical care. Her first child was about 20 years old and she was not empowered financially to assist her mother.

Subsequently, i came across another widow with four children and she had stage IV cervical cancer, which is the most advanced stage, at this stage the cancer had spread to vital organs of the body. She could barely take care of her children and  before I could offer any assistance, she died. Her demise hurt me  badly because her first son was about 14 years when she passed on.

Another touching story is Mrs Jennifer who was abandoned by her husband  because she had cervical cancer, though her son was about 5 years but unfortunately she lost the battle to cancer after series of conventional  and alternative treatment.

Currently, Sali Hoe Foundation have quite a number of women battling with this dreaded disease but the good news is we can end this menace by establishing a free Cervical Cancer Screening and Vaccination Center with Automated machine. Cervical cancer is an entirely preventable  disease if women should screen regularly and young girls fully vaccinated before their first sexual encounter.

Moving forward, we intend to expand our operations by seeking or raising fund for our Cervical Cancer Screening and Vaccination Center with Automated machine.   Partnerships are critical to Sali Hoe Foundation control efforts. A successful national programmes to control cervical cancer depends on the commitments of a variety of committed partners. Such partners will help strengthen and maintain Sali Hoe Foundation Programmes by contributing their expertise, connections, resources, and enthusiasm to the activities of the programmes.

Our utmost goal in 2022 by the Grace of God is to establish a free Cervical Cancer Screening and Vaccination Center with Automated Machines (Roche Cobas 4800) in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

Collaborative efforts can help save countless lives (women) please we are calling on well-meaning Nigerians who have the welfare of women at heart, to support our fundraising, collaborate, partner, sponsor,  help, pray and work with us to make this goal achievable.

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USD: 0684233881 

GBP: 0684233908 
EUR: 0684233898